The Profile of a Neighborhood: Health & Well-Being in Ras Beirut

​The Profile of a Neighborhood presents an overview of the findings of the Ras Beirut Well-Being Survey, conducted in 2009–2010 by members of AUB's Faculty of Health Sciences. It represents the efforts of a multidisciplinary team drawn from across the American University of Beirut, and provides the first systematic portrait of Ras Beirut in the last forty years. The survey's goal was to provide up-to-date sociological, demographic, and health information about neighborhood residents, a valuable snapshot of life in Ras Beirut shortly before the conflict in Syria brought an influx of Syrian citizens to the neighborhood. The book presents a wide variety of statistical details about the residents of Ras Beirut, including marital status, nationality, household structure, religiosity, income and household wealth, education, and quality of life. Its findings suggest that even in Ras Beirut, which is considered an affluent neighborhood of which AUB is a part, it is possible to find extremes existing side by side—wealth and poverty, social and economic inequality, and the corresponding effects on well-being.
Provider: AUB Press

 AuthorAfamia KaddourCynthia Myntti​, Nisreen Salti, Sawsan Abdulrahim​Livia Wick​, and Huda Zurayk

 Language: English and Arabic
 Subject: Lebanon & AUB
 Publication Date: 2018
 Number of Pages: 192
 Book Dimensions: 19 x 24.5 cm
 Cover Type: Paperback
 ISBN: 9789953586168

Shipping Weight: 0.475 kg

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