Beirut 1984: A Population and Health Profile

​​This book incorporates the descriptive findings of a survey conducted by the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut as part of its efforts to establish a population laboratory in the city of Beirut. The Lebanese Civil War led to the disintegration of the crude health information system available prior to that time; thus this survey generates a unique dataset about a city and its population at a midpoint in the war. By recording the methodological and organizational issues faced during the war, the book serves as a reference source for courses and other training activities in health research. Its findings will interest public health workers, ministries of health, and the staffs of a variety of international agencies.
Provider: AUB Press

 Editors: Huda C. Zurayk and Haroutune K. Armenian

 Language: English
 Subject: Health
 Publication Date: 1985
 Number of Pages: 287
 Book Dimensions: 17.5 x 24.5 cm
 Cover Type: Hard Cover

Weight:0.955 Kg