Franco-Arab Encounters

​​Over the last two centuries, the French dimension of Arab history has loomed large. The Arab world equally has played a major role in recent French history. Franco-Arab Encounters treats the many aspects of this interaction, tracing not just the political, but also the cultural, social, and intellectual. Twenty authors present these “encounters" in seven sections covering the Arab world, from Morocco to Saudi Arabia, over the past two hundred years. The book is dedicated to the memory of David C. Gordon, a pioneer and leader in this field of scholarship, who taught history at AUB from 1949 to 1955 and 1958 to 1975.
Provider: AUB Press

 Editor: L. Carl Brown and Matthew S. Gordon​

 Language: English
 Subject: Middle East Studies
 Publication Date: 1996
 Number of Pages: 484
 Book Dimensions: 17.6 x 24.7 cm
 Cover Type: Hard Cover