Liberty and Justice: America and the Middle East

These thirty-four papers, explore the many ways that notions of liberty and justice have informed current and past encounters between American and the Middle East and North Africa. The contributions include various perspectives, including literature, film, foreign policy, education, religion, and human rights. This book is the result of the proceedings of the Second International Conference Sponsored by The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research at the American University of Beirut.
Provider: AUB Press

  Editor: Patrick McGreevy

 Language: English
 Subject: American Studies
 Publication Date: 2008
 Number of Pages: 475
 Book Dimensions: 16.1 x 23 cm
 Cover Type: Paperback

Shipping Weight: 0.75 Kg

ISBN: 9789953901985