The Free Yemeni Movement, 1935–1962

With the revolution of 1962 came the end of the thousand-year-old imamate in Yemen. The preceding thirty years had witnessed a multiplicity of attempts to bring about reforms in the kingdom. Personal interviews as well as British records, media reports, and other accounts by Middle East specialists are skillfully integrated here to give a comprehensive picture of the time. The often conflicting monarchical, colonial, and Arab nationalist interests in Yemen provide the context for the author's chronology and analysis of the three decades of Free Yemeni activities that paved the way for the Republican Revolution.
Provider: AUB Press

 Author: J. Leigh Douglas

 Language: English
 Subject: Middle East Studies
 Publication Date: 1987
 Number of Pages: 287
 Book Dimensions: 15 x 22.8 cm
 Cover Type: Paperback
 Shipping Weight: 0.65 kg

​ ISBN: 9780815660804

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