Technology and Man’s Changing World

In this small volume, former AUB President Harold Hoelscher elaborates on material previously presented in the course of three public lectures presented in January 1980 at the American University of Beirut. The author's thesis is that perceptions of technology as either “good" or “bad" are invalid. “Rejection of technology is the rejection of a tool to solve a problem"; yet whether that problem should be solved and by what means are totally different questions. Because of the general nature of Dr. Hoelscher's arguments, the book focuses on questions of continuing relevance about the role of technology in the modern world. ​
Provider: AUB Press

 Author: H. E. Hoelscher

 Language: English
 Subject: Sociology
 Publication Date: 1980
 Number of Pages: 57
 Book Dimensions: 14.5 x 20.8 cm
 Cover Type: Paperback