In Wartime: The State of Children in Lebanon

​​This book was published during the period of the Lebanese civil war. Therefore, the fieldwork on which its conclusions are based was carried out under extremely difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, the book provides a unique insight into the state of children in a country where civil war raged for ten years. Health, education, child care institutions, and the psychological and physical effects of war are all surveyed and discussed. Implications for action and a summary of major recommendations for action are also included. Sadly, the book will be of value in other parts of the world where the young are most affected by continuing conflicts.
Provider: AUB Press

 Authors: Haroutine Armenian & others

 Language: English
 Subject: Sociology
 Publication Date: 1986
 Number of Pages: 202
 Book Dimensions: 17.7 x 24.2 cm
 Cover Type: Hard Cover

Shipping Weight: 0.78 Kg

NOTE: All copies of the book are new but show signs of aging.