This is a collection of papers from a conference entitled “Political Identity in the Arab East in the Twentieth Century," hosted by the Center for Arab and Middle East Studies of the American University of Beirut. Scholars and students alike with an interest in the Middle East will find the topics treated, the perspectives adopted, and the conclusions of continuing interest and pertinence. The volume includes contributions from the following authors: Ahmad Dallal, David Commins, Thomas Philipp, Samir Seikaly, Rashid Khalidi, Fred Lawson, Aziz Al-Azmeh, Roger Owen, and Hazem El-Beblawi.
This is a collection of papers from a conference entitled “Political Identity in the Arab East in the Twentieth Century," hosted by the Center for Arab and Middle East Studies of the American University of Beirut. Scholars and students alike with an interest in the Middle East will find the topics treated, the perspectives adopted, and the conclusions of continuing interest and pertinence. The volume includes contributions from the following authors: Ahmad Dallal, David Commins, Thomas Philipp, Samir Seikaly, Rashid Khalidi, Fred Lawson, Aziz Al-Azmeh, Roger Owen, and Hazem El-Beblawi.
These twenty-nine papers, to quote the introduction by then-CASAR Director Robert Myers, “trace the complex interconnections between the collapsing categories of East and West at a pivotal moment in contemporary history." This book is the result of the proceedings of the Third International Conference Sponsored by The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research at the American University of Beirut.
This volume comprises the proceedings of the 4th international conference of The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR) at the American University of Beirut. Its twenty-two articles explore various forms of transnational communication and politics as articulated through performance art, hip-hop, music videos, poetry, and literature. They address the mutually dependent relationship between the US and the Arab world, and how American activity in the region is viewed from the perspective of the Arab world.
The Mahmoud Kahil Award is an award program under the Rada and Mutaz Sawaf Center for Arab Comics Studies at the American University of Beirut that aims to promote comics, editorial cartoons, and illustrations in the Arab world through the recognition of the rich talent and creative achievement of comics artists, cartoonists, and illustrators in the region. This program was established in 2014 upon the initiative of Mr. Mu’taz Sawwaf to honor and perpetuate the legacy of the late Mahmoud Kahil, one of the leading cartoonists and caricaturists of the Arab world, and a former AUB graduate.
"بدأت فكرة الرحلة من نقطة انطلاق شخصيّة أساسها استعادة تجربة نزهة في القطار القديم الذي كان ينطلق من محطّة الحجاز في وسط دمشق الى محطّته النهائيّة في "وادي سرغايا" و"عين حور" بعد مدينة "الزبداني" جنوب شرق العاصمة السوريّة.وفي اطار مقرّر تعليمي تقدّمت به عن الشريط المصوّر البديل، في قسم الهندسة والتصميم لدى الجامعة الأميركيّة في بيروت، كان يمكن لهذه الرحلة أن تقدّم مجموعة تجارب فرديّة للطلّاب المشاركين فيها ذهنيّاّ وجسديّاً، وتغني النتاج الغرافيكي الذي يصدر عنها: رحلة تفتح مساحات النقاشات لما تتضمّنه من سرد قصصيّ لوقائع مُعاشة بكل التفاصيل والأحاسيس: اغناء التجربة البصريّة أمام المدى الريفي ومناظره، اكتشاف القطار القديم بمقطوراته ومقاعده الخشبيّة وزخرفاته الشعبيّة، رائحة الأشجار وعبق دخانه، تنوّع محطّاته وسككه، والأهمّ معايشة أهله ورواياتهم."